The best healthcare, just for kids! Just for Kids paediatric clinic by Dr Olarn Seriniyom aims to provide the best health care for children of all ages. Relevant and appropriate vaccination advice tailored to suit each individual child from any country, for however short or long the stay in Thailand. Guidance on how to handle common illnesses, and only useful and safe use of lab tests and medications are the key principles of Dr Olarn’s clinic. (+66)97 230 3206 WhatsApp is temporairly  malfunctioing  justforkidsclinic Making an appointment Appointments can be booked by phone, text, or email Normal scheduled operating hours are   9:00 - 12:00 | 14:00 - 17:00  Open daily except Sundays and Thursdays.  Other days and times can be arranged on request.
Dengue fever vaccine and MenB vaccine available now